Trusted Shops plugin SDK (NewGen)

What is the Trusted Shops plugin SDK (NewGen)?

The Trusted Shops plugin SDK is a collection of libraries and tools for building a plugin that incorporates Trusted Shop's features into an e-commerce platform.
Check out Shopify and PrestaShop to see example plugins built using the SDK.

Some of the Trusted Shops features mentioned include:


There are a few things a developer needs to be able to develop a Trusted Shops plugin for an e-commerce platform:

Development credentials

Please write to our support team to request your development credentials.

Demo App

You will find a complete sample plugin (Typescript) implementation on the Trustedshops Github page.

This sample plugin is a good entry point if you are familiar with the Trustedshops product ecosystem and want to jump in head first.

You will also find links to different parts of the codebase as you go through the step-by-step integration guide.

What's next (Integration)?

Building a plugin using our SDK involves a number of steps. We will begin by looking at some general concepts.